Monday, October 1, 2012

Crayon Rolls

You guys....... I had to draw another winner! One of my first winners never claimed her prize! So once again check to see if you are the new winner! Here is the crayon roll up tutorial, this way you can go ahead and make your own!

First gather these supplies.
-3 or more coordinating fabrics at least 1/8 yard of each.
-1 1/2 yd of matching ric-rac
-3/4 yd of matching ribbon
-Med interfacing
-Ruler and fabric marking pen
-Scissors and/or a rotary cutter and mat
-Sewing Machine. I would recommend not using a serger for this little project. But if you really want too.
-16 pack of crayons
-Heat n' bond, optional. Only if you want to customize your Crayon Roll with some applique.

STEP 1: Cut your fabrics at the following dimension using your rotary cutter or scissors. Cut your choice of outside and inside fabrics as well as your interfacing at 16 1/2 x 5 1/2. Next cut your fabric chosen for your crayon pocket at 16 1/2 x 5.
STEP 2: Take your ruler, fabric marker, and iron. Fold your crayon pocket material in half lengthwise. Press. Now use your ruler to mark in 1 1/4 in. (TIP: mark from the top to bottom of fabric, I have found it really helps you sew more even having a complete stitching line) then mark 1 in from that. Continue marking your fabric at every inch until you have reached the last mark which should measure 1 1/4 in. This will allow you room for seam allowance. (TIP: use a frixion marking pen by pilot. It is seriously AMAZING. It just irons right off once you are done using your markings)
STEP 3: Place your material with the markings on top of your inside fabric with right sides up. Top stitch on each line backstitching at the top and bottom to secure the crayon slot. Repeat for all markings.

STEP 4: In one long piece pin your ric rac to your INSIDE fabric piece starting at one of your top corners (I know my picture shows I didn't but really it creates less bulk if you start at a top corner). The bottom bump of the ric rac should be 1/4 from the edges. This is very important that it goes no further in than that. I recommend measuring a few places and marking, oh and pin really well! (TIP: on the corners fold the excess ric rac up so you can stitch around it) Your starting end and finishing ends should meet at the same corner.
STEP 5: Stitch your ric rac on. Stitch at that 1/4 in line catching the bottom bumps of the ric rac in your stitching. On your corners stitch around the excess fabric. When you get to turning it inside right at the very end the excess will flip out into a pre.ty corner. Trim your ends to reduce bulk.

STEP 6: Cut 2 pieces of your ribbon. I cut my ribbon at about 12 inches each.
STEP 7: Lay your ribbon on top of each other and pin at the very edge of the INSIDE fabric. Right about where the crayon pockets end. Zig-zag stitch over the ribbon IN your seam allowance. I zig-zagged 2 or three times to make sure when a kid tugs on it those suckers are not pulling out. You can decide which side your ribbon goes on. If you chose to applique I like to keep my ribbons on the opposite side of the start of the applique so my image shows when rolled up. So if you stitched a cute dino on the left side of the outside piece you will want your ribbons on the right side of the inside piece.

STEP 8: Press the outside fabric to the interfacing. If you have chosen to applique a name or image   use this tutorial, from the applique'd pillow, to do it now. Remember to keep your applique about 1/2 inch in from the edges.
STEP 9: Lay your outside piece on top of your inside piece with right sides together and pin. Stitch them together using your sewing line from your ric rac as a guide to where you stitch now. Which should give you a 1/4 in seam allowance. Leave a 2-3 inch opening at the top of the crayon roll. Do an overcasting stitch as well. I think it really helps it hold up from the wear and tear of kids.
STEP 10: Turn that puppy inside right pushing the corners into as much of a point as possible. Turn your opening in about 1/4 inch and press.
STEP 11: Top stitch your opening closed at a very narrow stitch. Continue this narrow top stitch around the entire crayon roll. (TIP: pay very close attention to how wide you are topstitching, if you topstitch too wide your two end crayon spots will become to narrow and you won't be able to fit crayons in as easily)

(If you didn't notice this is NOT the same crayon roll as depicted in the tutorial. I forgot to take a final picture!) 

Trim your threads and you are done! They really are that easy. If you make one up send me pictures I would love to see how they turn out!